Identifying With Children, Children in the Biblical World section, SBL, San Diego, CA 2019
When Hannah Met Luke: A Sub-Version of Luke’s Annunciations, Reading, Theory, and the Bible section, SBL, San Diego, CA 2019.
Working Girls: Subverting the Master Narrative of Judges, Joint session of the Joshua and Judges and Intertextuality and the Hebrew Bible program sections, SBL, Denver, CO 2018.
The Narrative Work of Biblical Children, Listening to and Learning from Children in the Biblical World Conference, USC/Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles, CA, February, 2018.
Encountering Women of War, Women of Woe, Panel review of Women of War, Women of Woe: Joshua and Judges through the Eyes of Nineteenth-Century Female Biblical Interpreters, edited by Marion Ann Taylor and Christiana de Groot.Recovering Female Interpreters of the Bible Section, SBL, San Antonio, 2016.
When Hannah and Samuel Met Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, John, Jesus, Simeon, and Anna, or Sub-Versions of Luke’s Annunciations, Joint session of Allusions in the Gospels and Families and Children in the Ancient World sections, International SBL, Seoul, South Korea, July, 2016.
What’s in a Name? Names and Labels in the Book of Judges, Biblical Stylistics section, International SBL, Seoul, South Korea, July, 2016.
The Work of Biblical Narrative, Plenary Address, Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, Irving, TX, March 2015.
Making Space: Biblical Storytelling as Social Negotiation, Presidential Address, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, SBL, Mount St. Mary’s College, March, 2014.
Facing the End of History: the Akedah under the Shadow of Empire, The Bible and Empire section, International SBL meeting, St Andrew, UK, July 2013.
Conversing with Ruth by Tamara Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky, invited review paper, Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures section, SBL, Baltimore, MD, November, 2013.
The Ones Returning: Ruth, Naomi, and Social Negotiation in the Post-Exilic Period, Forced Migration program section, SBL, Chicago, November, 2012
Facing the End of History: Communal Anxiety and the Akedah, Genesis Consultation, SBL, Chicago, November, 2012
Dogs and “Special Providence:” A Response to Ken Stone’s “The Dogs of Exodus and the Question of the Animal,” Drew Trandisciplinary Theological Colloquium, 2011
Reading Structures, Structuring Reading: A Brief Personal History of Reading Genesis, Semiotics and Exegesis section, SBL, 2011
Revealing Oppressive Texts, The Status of Women in the Profession, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, November, 2010.
No Greater Love: Jonathan and His Friendship with David in Children’s Biblical Literature.” Society of Biblical Literature, New Orleans, November, 2009
Arresting Children: Biblical Allusion, Modern Iconography, and the Witness of Samuel Bak, The Bible and Art section, Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, MA, November, 2009.
The Children of Israel: Reading the Bible for the Sake of Our Children, panel presentation on my book, Children in the Biblical World section, Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, MA, November, 2009.
From Bak to the Bible: Imagination, Interruption, and Interpretation, keynote presentation at The Interruptive Move: Theology and the Arts Consultation, Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning In Theology and Religion, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN, March, 2009.
Suffering Responsibility: Creation, Art, and the Genesis of Ethics,” in the Bible, Theology, and Postmodernity Group (AAR), Washington, DC, 2006.
Covenants, Crucifixions, and Lost Children: Setting Sacred History Under the Sign of Loss, Keynote address to the Southwest Commission on Religious Studies (SW regions of SBL, AAR, Archaeological Society), Irving, TX, March, 2006.
Bak’s Impossible Memorials: Giving Face to the Children, joint session of Reading, Theory, and the Bible section, Society of Biblical Literature, and Art and Religion section, American Academy of Religion, Philadelphia, PA, 2005.
The Bible, Bak, and a World in Need of Repair: “Unseamly” Reading After the Holocaust, The Scholars’ Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, Philadelphia, 2005.
The Bible, Bak, and a World in Need of Repair, Reading, Theory, and the Bible section, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2003.
Rape, Reading, and Representation: Feminist Criticism and Genesis 34, Feminist Hermeneutics and Women in the Biblical World sections, Society of Biblical Literature, Toronto, Canada, 2002
Resisting Daniel, Ideological Criticism Section, Society of Biblical Literature, Denver 2001.
Will you dance? On Pedagogy and the Bible, Semiotics and Exegesis Section, SBL, Denver, 2001.
Women on the Inside, Women on the Outside: the Politics of Characterization in Genesis, joint meeting of the Semiotics and Exegesis and the Women in the Biblical World sections, SBL, Boston, 1999.
The Gift: World Alteration and Obligation in 2 Kings 4, Conference on the Bible and Critical Theory, Sydney, Australia, 1999.
Designing Biblical Women: Gustave Doré’s Visits to the Well, Semiotics and Exegesis Section, SBL, San Francisco, 1997.
Converging on Babel, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 1997.
Babel and Pentecost, (co-authored with the Bible and Culture Collective), Reading, Theory, and the Bible Section, SBL, New Orleans, 1996.
Fleshing Out the Word: Other Women at John’s Well, joint session of Semiotics and Exegesis and Reading, Rhetoric, and Hebrew Bible sections, AAR/SBL, Philadelphia, 1995.
Whose Story is This Anyway? Judging the Subject of the Book of Judges, Southwest Regional meeting of the AAR/SBL, Dallas, TX, 1995.
Introducing Students to the Bible: (S)electing Texts, Ideological Criticism Group, AAR/SBL, Chicago, 1994.
Deconstruction and the Book of Judges, Literary Criticism and Biblical Criticism Section, AAR/SBL, Washington, D.C., 1993.
Women Singing, Women Weeping, Women Reading: A Response to Womanist Readings of the Hebrew Bible, African-American Theology and Biblical Hermeneutics Group, AAR/SBL, San Francisco, 1992.
The Construction and Destruction of the Women in Judges, AAR/SBL, Kansas City, 1991.
The Book of Judges: Speaking of Women, Southwest Biblical Studies Seminar, 1991.
Tipping the Balance: Sternberg’s Reader and the Rape of Dinah, AAR/SBL, Chicago, 1988.
Controlling Desire: Women, Men and the Authority of Violence in Judges 4 and 5, (co-authored) International Meeting of the SBL, Sheffield, England, 1988.
Against Familiarity: The Women of Judges 4 and 5, Southwestern Regional Meeting of the AAR/SBL, 1988.
A Son is Born to Naomi! Literary Allusion and Interpretation in the Book of Ruth, Southwest Biblical Studies Seminar, 1988.
Sons and Fathers: Reading Belshazzar’s Feast Contextually, AAR/SBL, Boston, 1987.
Pillars of Society: Measures of Worth in the Book of Ruth, Southeastern Regional Meeting of the AAR/SBL, 1987.
Response to Norman Gottwald, Biblical Criticism and Literary Criticism section, AAR/SBL, Atlanta, 1986.
A Son is Born to Naomi: Literary Allusion in the Book of Ruth, (co-authored) Southeastern Regional Meeting of the AAR/SBL, 1986.
The Telling of a Tale: A Literary Reading of II Kings 18:13 – 19:37, Southeastern Regional Meeting of the AAR/SBL, 1984. (Awarded Best Student Paper)