Public Lectures

Child Laborers: The Narrative Work of Biblical Children, Keynote Address, The Eastern Great Lakes Regional SBL Meeting, March, 2021.

Does the Bible Really Say That? Reading Religiously in Bible-Thumping, Bible-Tweeting Culture, Holy Cross College, April, 2017.

The Work of Biblical Storytelling and the Question of Same-Sex Love, Symposium on The Church and Homosexuality, Florida Southern College, April, 2015.

The Truth About Stories, the 2014 Matriculation Address, Drew Theological School, September, 2014.

Arresting Children: Biblical Allusion, Modern Iconography, and the Witness of Samuel Bak, Boston College, April, 2014.

Representing the Irreparable: The Shoah and the Art of Samuel Bak, the 9th annual Richard J. Yashek Yom HaShoah Memorial Lecture, Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania, April, 2013.

Seeing Fear on the Heights of Moriah: Communal Anxiety and the Akedah. Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dekota, April, 2010.

The Qu’ran’s Unbinding of the Son: A Response to Walid Saleh, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dekota, April, 2010.

Icon of Loss: The Haunting Child of Samuel Bak. The Florida Holocaust Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida, January, 2010.

Creation, Covenant and Crucifixion: The Art/Work of Repairing the World. Tipple-Vosburgh keynote, Drew Theological School, October, 2009.

From Bak to the Bible: Imagination, Interpretation, and Tikkun Olam, Keene State College, Keene, New Hampshire, November, 2009.

Hannah’s Song, Resisting Daniel, and Genesis, Genocide, and the Art of Samuel Bak. Yom Limmud Lecture Series, Houston, TX, 2008

Hannah’s Song, keynote address at the South Central Jurisdiction Clergywomen’s Consultation, Kansas City, Missouri, February, 2007

Reading the Bible for the Sake of Our Children, The 18th Annual Knippa Lecture (series promoting Jewish-Christian dialogue), Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2006.

Genesis, Genocide, and the Art of Samuel Bak, Baylor University, March, 2006.

The Genesis of Identity, Community lecture sponsored by Long Ridge United Methodist Church, Danbury, Connecticut, March, 2006.

Children from the Other Side of the River: The Bible, Violence, and the Making of Strangers, The University of the South: Sewanee, Tennessee, 2005.

Risking Interruption: Reading Religiously in a Post-Modern Age, Keynote lecture, The Tipple-Vosburgh Lecture Series: The Bible: Weapon or Wisdom? Drew University, 2004.

Sacred Spaces, Sacred Traces on the Journey from Here to There, Honors Convocation Lecture, Drew University, 2001

Women at the Well: Excessive Reading and Artistic Imagination, Preaching and Postmodernism Conference, Drew University, Madison, NJ, 2001.

The Children of Israel : Reading the Bible for the Sake of Our Children, (lecture series), Winter Refresher Conference, St. Andrews College, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2001.

Drawn to the Well: Biblical Women, Excessive Reading, and Artistic Imagination. (Co-presented with Gary A. Phillips) The University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, 2000.

Desiring More than Eden : Reading Eve in the 21 st Century, Plenary address, Women’s Conference: The Eve of the 21 st Century: Experiencing the Divine Feminine in the New Millennium, Cathedral of Hope, Dallas, TX 1999.

Impersonations of God’s Presence: The Call of Rebekah, keynote sermon, The Eve of the 21 st Century: Experiencing the Divine Feminine in the New Millennium, Cathedral of Hope, Dallas, TX 1999.

The Other Woman and the Other Child, Parkin-Wesley College, Alumni Gathering, Adelaide, South Australia, 1999.

The Children Across the River, Parkin-Wesley College, Community Convocation, Adelaide, South Australia, 1999.

Reading Beyond Betrothal: Biblical Women at the Well, Sophia (a Christian Feminist Spirituality Centre), Adelaide, Australia, 1999.

The Children of Israel : Reading the Bible for the Sake of Our Children, (lecture series) Mid-Winter Clergy Convocation, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, January, 1999.

Noah’s Ark : Not Just a Story (or Not a Just Story) for Children Anymore, Plenary Address, Laity Week, Perkins School of Theology, March, 1998.

Abraham’s Other Woman, Phi Theta Kappa and the United Christian Fellowship Spring Lecture Series, Navarro College, Corsicana, TX, February, 1998.

The Children of Israel, The Lake Street Preaching Series, Eau Claire, WS, 1997.

Water From the Well: Crossing the Testamental Divide, Fondren Lecture, Ministers Week, Perkins School of Theology, 1997.

Images of Women in the First Testament, Godbey Lecture Series, Southern Methodist University, 1996.

The Woman in the Web and Women at the Well: From Story to Story, From Story to Picture, Women in Ministry Week, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, 1996.

Lo and Behold! Scandal, Scripture, and the Surprising Ways of God, The P’Pool Lectures, Ridgewood Park United Methodist Church, Dallas, TX, 1996.

Debt and Debt Forgiveness in the Biblical Traditions, The Southwest Bankruptcy Institute (legal conference addressing the need for reform in the U.S. bankruptcy legal code) Dallas, TX, 1994.

Women, Power, and Promise, Address to the Southwest Chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women, Dallas, TX, 1993.

Keeping the Promise: The Stories of Abraham and Sarah, Ruth, Tamar, and Rahab, The Barton-Clinton Lectures, The Boston Avenue Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1993.

Gender and the Garden: New Trends in Feminist Criticism, Women in Ministry Luncheon, North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, Arlington, TX, 1992.

When There’s No Good News: On Telling Sad (Biblical) Stories, Perkins Alumni Dinner, Louisiana Conference of the United Methodist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana, 1992.

New Trends in Feminist Theology, The Oreon C. Scott Lectures, Phillips Graduate Seminary, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1992.

Story and Meaning in Old Testament Literature, Godbey Lecture Series, Southern Methodist University, Fall, 1990.

The People in the Book: Characters and Characterization in the First Testament, Perkins Alumni Breakfast, Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, 1990.

Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible: Affirmation, Resistance, and Transformation, SMU-Dallas Lecture Series, 1990.

Keeping the Promise: Another Look at Abraham and Sarah, Conference of the Professions (legal, medical, clerical), Dallas, TX, 1990.

Into the Fire: Faith and Politics in Daniel 3, Perkins Alumni Banquet, Northwest Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, Lubbock, TX, 1989.

Divine Calls, Human Responses: Another Look at Abraham and Sarah, Ministers’ Week Address, Perkins School of Theology, 1988.
